
Engineering Computing Services License Server Status
OIT Software Distribution
Azure Dev Tools for Teaching (free Microsoft software for Student use on personal computers)
Windows Academic Labs Supported Software List (physical systems and ECE VLab image)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supported Software

These are both built-in to the OS. You can call them using the following binaries:

'python' or 'python2'

This is Red Hat's alternate versions of software that cannot be upgraded within the OS. Type 'scl –help' for more information. Some examples of what is available: GCC, Git, Python, Ruby, Perl, NodeJS, Java, .NET. Please contact the ECE CSG Help Desk if you need a specific package.


3rd-Party Vendor Software for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Use of the applications below requires reading over and agreeing to its associated Vendor Software EULA where applicable. Please be aware that our environment setup files are only designed to work in a /bin/tcsh shell. See our supported shell environment documentation for more information.

source /tools/software/ansys/setup.csh

Electronics Desktop (formerly HFSS):
ansysedt &


source /tools/software/ansys/redhawk.csh

This application is not yet publicly available. Please contact the ECE CSG Help Desk for more information.

Our setup file includes the additional integration of Spectre, Assura, Quantus (formerly EXT), Keysight (formerly Agilent) ADS, and Siemens (formerly Mentor) Calibre all in one file.

source /tools/software/cadence/ic/cshrc.latest
virtuoso &

Other packages are availalble. If you need help using them individually or creating a custom environment, please contact the ECE CSG Help Desk.

This application is no longer publicly available. Please contact the ECE CSG Help Desk for more information.

source /tools/software/coventor/setup_cov.csh

coventorware &

Catapult &


source /tools/software/coventor/setup_sem.csh
semulator3d &

There is no setup file. Launch the latest version with:


source /tools/software/hex-rays/idapro.csh
ida64 &

This is for both ADS and EMPro.

source /tools/software/keysight/setup.csh

There is no setup file. Launch the latest version with:


This is for Calibre, AMSV and ModelSIM.
source /tools/software/siemens/setup.csh

calibre -gui



source /tools/software/silvaco/setup.csh
deckbuild &

source /tools/software/sonnet/sonnetsuite/cshrc.latest
sonnet &

Set up all Synopsys tools with:
source /tools/software/synopsys/setup.csh

To launch any of the Xilinux platform applications, first run:
source /tools/software/xilinx/setup_env.csh


Our licenses with these vendors support additional products not currently installed. If you would like access to a package not currently installed, please contact the ECE CSG Help Desk.

Special instructions for integrating non-Cadence applications with Virtuoso

First, set up the Cadence Virtuoso environment:
source /tools/software/cadence/ic/cshrc.latest

Then, set up the Ansys environment and follow the instructions printed on the screen:
source /tools/software/ansys/setup.csh

First, set up the CoventorMP and Cadence Virtuoso environments:
source /tools/software/coventor/setup_cov.csh
source /tools/software/cadence/ic/cshrc.latest

Then, in a new project directory, copy these three files. Only do this once per project directory:
cp /tools/software/coventor/CoventorMP/latest/MEMSp/runtime/cadence/skill/cdsinit /my/project/dir/.cdsinit
cp /tools/software/coventor/CoventorMP/latest/MEMSp/runtime/cadence/skill/ /my/project/dir/
cp /tools/software/coventor/CoventorMP/latest/MEMSp/runtime/cadence/skill/display.drf /my/project/dir/

First, set up the Cadence Virtuoso environment (Calibre enviroment is included):
source /tools/software/cadence/ic/cshrc.latest

Then, in a new project directory, copy the following file. Only do this once per project directory:
cp /tools/software/siemens/calibre/CalibreCDSinit /my/project/dir/.cdsinit


Using the NCSU and FreePDK design kits with Cadence Virtuoso

​In a new project directory, untar the following file. Only do this once per project directory:
tar xf /tools/designkits/NCSU/setupncsu16.tar

Then, for each run, set up the environment for and execute Cadence Virtuoso:
setenv CDK_DIR /tools/designkits/NCSU/CDK160
source /tools/software/cadence/ic/cshrc.latest
virtuoso &

In a new project directory, initialize the kit. Only do this once per project directory:
source /tools/designkits/NCSU/FreePDK4514/ncsu_basekit/cdssetup/setup.csh

Then, for each run, set up the environment for and execute Cadence Virtuoso:
source /tools/designkits/NCSU/FreePDK4514/ncsu_basekit/cdssetup/icoa_setup.csh
virtuoso &


Last revised on March 16, 2022.