Procedures and Guidelines for Computers on the ECE Network

Administration Provided by Computer Support Group

The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Computer Support Group (CSG) provides full support for desktop and laptop computers on the ECE network based on the following conditions:

  • The installation meets the operating system requirements set forth by ECE’s Service Level Agreement (SLA).
  • The installation has been performed by a CSG member.
  • The installed operating system is managed through one of the Georgia Institute of Technology’s (GT) enterprise directory technologies (“GTAD” for Windows or “GTED” for Linux).
  • Installation is for computers owned by the Georgia Institute of Technology only; installation on a personally owned system is not permitted.
  • The CSG maintains the Administrator/root password and is responsible for all security patches and updates to the system.
  • The CSG will provide installations of or access to GT’s licensed applications if and when necessary.
  • Enhanced user account permissions can be provided, if necessary or applicable.


The ECE CSG will provide best-effort support for systems under the following conditions:

  • The installation has been approved by the CSG through the help and support ticketing system (
  • The CSG is notified of any distribution changes so we can keep our “database of information” up to date.
  • The installation must meet the policies, standards, and procedures set forth by ECE’s SLA as well as those set forth by the Office of Information Technology (OIT) for all of campus.
  • A primary point of contact (POC) is established for each individual system. A valid Georgia Institute of Technology email address must be provided ( by the POC.
  • The POC is responsible for overseeing the timely application of all security patches and bug-fixes applicable to the operating system and its software applications.
  • The POC is responsible for overseeing the security and integrity of the operating system and its software applications (e.g. monitoring for viruses, Internet worms, etc.).

The CSG will provide best effort support for the installation of GT licensed applications on systems not managed by the CSG, provided that the system is the property of GT and meets the criteria set above. In the event a non-CSG maintained system is determined to have been “compromised”, it will be immediately removed from the network. It is then the POC’s responsibility that the system be repaired or, if necessary, reinstalled before it will be allowed to reconnect to the network.

All Systems

The following apply to both scenarios listed above. Further questions concerning this can be addressed to

  • CSG centrally managed services (including, but not limited to, WWW, FTP, SQL, SVN) are not to be enabled on the system.
  • Installations pertaining to booting of multiple operating systems are not permitted.
  • Use of Virtual Machine software is not permitted without prior approval from the CSG through
  • Software downloaded from ECE’s Microsoft Imagine (formerly DreamSpark) program cannot be installed on GT owned computers. This is a violation of the DreamSpark program’s license agreement.

Failure to comply with any of the above guidelines will result in the system being immediately disconnected from the network.

The ECE CSG is not approved to provide support for any hardware or software not purchased by GT (i.e., personally owned). For those, please contact the Technology Support Center (TSC).

Last revised September 19, 2016.